Has there ever been a "good" government? I am inclined to think not.

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Apr 27Liked by Theodore Atkinson

"The great and golden rule of art, as well as life is this: That the more distinct, sharp and wiry the bounding line, the more perfect the work of art; and the less keen and sharp, the greater the evidence of weak imagination, plagiarizing and bungling."

-- William Blake, as quoted in "Etching and Engraving -- Techniques and the Modern Trend" by John Buckland-Wright

I have frequently observed to those I encounter from Canada, that I should award them an honorary BA in English, in addition to whatever they may have studied to have paid for their ticket here. But the doublespeak seems now to be as thick in Canada as it is here and in Britain. One of our cashiers, Sage, came from Quebec to study art at the University in Santa Cruz -- I hunted up the quote for her benefit, since she had spoken of a teaching career. Her last word to me was that she would, according to her audiologist, become legally deaf two weeks from the time we spoke.

The "Divine Comedy" is one of my favorite books, and your references to the Inferno are entirely appropriate. You remark on the cloud of souls orbiting hell in a sort of holding pattern -- neither very good, nor very evil -- refused admittance even to the first bolgia, since someone might look down upon them and receive an inverted blessing.

There hardly seems time now for Purgatory or Paradise.

The Last Horseman of the Apocalypse arrived for a visit in San Jose by jet freight in 2006 accompanied by an entourage of young, healthy-looking Asian corpses.

Did you hear about that one?

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Apr 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

My man Dzitts has a bright career awaiting him as a Williamsburg trapstep/dubwave DJ

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Apr 29Liked by Theodore Atkinson

The whole psyop around the pandemic really felt to me like they were testing the waters, to see what we would put up with. Unfortunately in Canada a lot of people put up with way more than they should have. Fortunately there are more and more people here who are waking up, I just hope it's not a case of too little too late.

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Apr 29Liked by Theodore Atkinson

All the hottest places in Hades have been bought out by gates.

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Apr 28Liked by Theodore Atkinson

I am most annoyed by people who in times of great crisis stroke their chins thoughtfully and with a chuckle say ‘well hold on a minute, it isn’t as black and white as you think’ and then proceed to straddle the fence perfectly. No event is ever totally black and white, but that doesn’t mean the current iteration, the current thing happening, isn’t black and white, at least to the point of knowing what must be done. It is always a combination of weakness, cowardice, and laziness. Masquerading as wisdom.

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FYI the term HELL refers to Light in German.

The God of the Abrahamic Religion refers to Amun Ra... the Sun God...

Better it refers to an Alien Race that maybe long time ago were like us but then "ascended" became pure living energy beings aka Dragons.

It may also be that they were the first race and may be in fact Immortal so to speak in their environment... the sun... Hell.

The concept of a living Universe is more real than one thinks and my conclusion comes from the fact that I made by accident a picture of one...


They might be our creator race but they are certainly not Gods... they are destroyers and they can possess Individuals with weak minds... hence the occult who control us.


They control the Government which literally means to control the mind.

That is why I trust no one in the Government.

Every Politician is just a little Hitler.


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