A friend noted that after Ukraine issue a lot of COVId signage started using yellow and blue colours as predominant colours

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I noticed the same thing too, but never thought there was much behind it. I found a paper that lists text-base/narrative tricks. I recognize most of them.


I'm still looking for a paper describing some of the visual tricks like colouring, spacing and shapes. There's some experimental research on it somewhere. If you or someone you know finds something, post it to this thread:


I already added the links I found so far.

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This does not even reference the use of the banners Below any social media post regarding “Covid vaccines are safe and effective””for reliable information go to ***government site””health authorities deem Covid vaccines safe and effective””partially false information”fact checks,gray screens over top of true information. All used to scare people away from any data not fitting the marketing goals.

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There is A LOT more research and analyses hiding somewhere. I'd love to find a paper that describes those "context" banners and colouring schemes. They're designed and calculated very specifically. We to unravel how these messaging systems work, because it's not just COVID they're doing this with.

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