“Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.”
― Euripides, The Bacchae
What do you call someone too smart to know they’re stupid?
Well I’ve got a few candid names with guttural sticky sounds, but I’ll let you imagine them for yourself. I’m sure you know someone fitting that description or at minimum had a passing experience, but in the past few years they’ve seemingly multiplied. Google, Wikipedia and cereal box degrees have given rise to a culture of overly informed imbeciles who somehow know less than nothing about everything.
Citing one of the most reputable sources, Urban Dictionary, we find a fitting description for this atrocious class of people: midwits. A midwit is someone with above average intelligence and performs well in school, possibly with post-secondary education. Being neither obliviously dumb or profoundly genius, the midwit feigns intelligence through a superficial understanding of intellectualized vocabulary, but lacks the ability to analyze detail, articulate nuance or adapt to complex problems.
The midwit who feigns intelligence is easily recognizable through their use of rhetorical truisms, “persuasive” arguments using “obviously” true statements that drip of condescension and ideological contempt, often followed up by the famous one-line zinger and thought terminating cliché: “source?”
But peeling back the layers of the superficial mind reveals an interesting mechanism.
Our brains have a built-in mechanism that detects danger and monitors threats.
This mechanism is initiated by the amygdala, which controls stress responses. Stress hormones are released by the hypothalamus, beginning a fight, flight or freeze response, which is followed by the hippocampus to anticipate events. Finally the prefrontal cortex develops a plan to respond to the stress accordingly.
The amygdala acts like a security guard which protects the body, strong but not too bright, and sometimes makes mistakes. Like an alarm system, it can sound in error causing undesired stress responses producing various coping mechanisms. One of these mechanisms is attachment style, which determines cognitive responses to external entities such as interpersonal relationships and locations.1
John Bowlby, the founder of attachment theory, described four characteristics of attachment including the desire to be near, the desire to return to comfort and safety, using attachment as a point of reference for exploration, and an anxiety response from separation. Attachment is either secure or insecure, where secure attachment creates trusting long-term relationships and a comfort sharing feelings, and insecure attachment creates reluctance, suspicion and a difficulty with close relationships.
While secure attachment results in better overall psychological health, high stress situations are experienced less than those with insecure attachment since the amygdala is constantly assessing and detecting threats. As a result, secure attachment individuals default to secure attachment figures in times of stress, which includes locations and authority figures. Separation or deviation from these figures during stress induces more anxiety, and any exploration or discovery is made relative to those figures as a comforting point of reference.
COVID was an excellent example of this behaviour, where perceptual stress reinforced reliance on authority figures and specific locations. All exploration and discovery was made relative to these figures, think of the mantra “follow the science,” and deviation from attachments induced more anxiety resulting in psychological defence mechanisms like projection, displacement and ultimately scapegoating.
It’s fair to assume COVID midwits have a secure attachment style, and experience anxiety when deviating from specific locations, like urban areas, unorthodox topics and authority figures. Some dissidents possibly have an insecure attachment style, and possess active threat detection and experience stress with authority figures. Other dissidents possibly have secure attachment with non-external figures that can’t be controlled, like religious faith or internal moral systems. Regardless, there’s a significant discrepancy with what the midwit determines as right and wrong compared to dissidents of authority.
Danger recognition and value systems have been inverted in Western culture.
Nietzsche’s philosophical ideas identified this change through his stark criticism of traditional morality, specifically morality derived from Judaeo-Christian religions and Greek rationalism. He claimed these moral systems were reversals of true values that would lead Western civilization to the collapse through decadence and nihilism. “God is dead” can be interpreted as traditional moral systems decoupling from the believe in a higher order purpose and replaced by nihilism, a god of the dead.
For Nietzsche, true morality was based on conformity with nature and the strength to overcome the environment, such as Roman warrior values or Darwin’s theory of evolution. He categorized two sets of morals: master morality of the noble free spirit and a slave morality of the commoner. Thus, there are two distinct system of values, one for a ruling caste and one for a subjugated dependent class.2
Both abominations.
The midwit is a dependent and degenerate slave possessing a dead moral system from Judaeo-Christian religions and Greek rationalism. Nihilism soured the milk for babes. This is modern day egalitarianism. The ruling caste uses mechanisms like secure attachment and infantilization to control these slaves. Through illusory comforts, the slaves are offered protection from the cruelties of the natural word in exchange for servitude and worship.
Equality, virtue, righteousness, egalitarianism and its quest for absolute liberation bears striking resemblance to the Cult of Inanna, the black goddess of war and sexual love, welcoming those who went against the gender binary by transforming men into women. The cult consisted of a priesthood called gala, who reversed gender roles and engaged in sexual rites within the temple.3 The formerly free Western civilization now suffers from a disease resurrected from ancient Mesopotamia that has enslaved the weak minds unable to weather tremendous psychological storms.
Transvaluation of values is the true essence of Yuri Bezmenov’s ideological subversion (see for more), where morality is corrupted by hyperstimulating the trajectory of values to replace it with an inversion. The key to demoralizing Western civilization lied in subverting the culture’s faith in a supreme being through nihilism and preoccupation. From then followed the subversion of education, which distracted the young with topics that had no constructive, practical or efficient purpose.
Take away the initiative and natural responsibilities established between people, and replace it with bureaucratically controlled bodies. Replace traditional organizations with fake organizations. The values of natural social life are transferred to institutions and social workers who work for a bureaucracy and government payroll. Power structures follow suit, where elected leaders are substituted with unelected bureaucracies who don’t require competence, qualification or the favour of the public. Media companies are an example of this unelected power structure. Having a monopoly on information, they arbitrarily decide what is good and bad.4
recently described an inversion of law enforcement, where Canadian police are encouraging home owners to keep car keys close to the front door to avoid having criminals ravage homes, creating insecurity, hatred and mistrust in figures who are suppose to protect. Through transvalued egalitarianism, criminals are seen as victims of an oppressive structure who are simply struggling and in need of compassion. This is a substitution of moral values that has corrupted law enforcement.Natural bargaining systems are replaced, such as the negotiation between employer and employee, most visible through modern HR systems. The natural exchange of goods and services is replaced by intermediaries such a regulatory bodies and substitute transaction mediums. Taken to the extreme, production and transactions are controlled through unelected third parties for protection and social security.
What are the solutions to this dire description of reality?
has pointed out, the solution is not political, material or technological, because the root is the metaphysical transvaluation of values into a corrupt slave system of morality, which is in part why the behaviours of the midwit align with those of an ancient Mesopotamian cult, because cults are power structures of control. Thus, the focus of change should be first and foremost philosophical. And the key is to understand how the inversion of religion, education, societal bonds, power structures, law enforcement and the economy occurred.Despite Yuri Bezmenov’s time frame of 15-20 years, the period of a single generation, it appears the transvaluation of values and the egalitarian ratchet effect has been occurring for a much longer period.
Consider the stark warning from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged in 1957.
In reality, the American economy was successfully subverted by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, which allowed a private institution to issue the circulating currency.
Central banking acts as an intermediary of natural exchange through fiat banking notes, which over the course of a century has eroded the majority of the dollar’s purchasing power. Fiat currency allows for wealth extraction to provide funding for other subversive objectives, like infiltrating power structures, religion, education and more. But the transvaluation of religion and morals occurred first, which permitted this false system. The economy and subsequent structures followed suit over time.
Political discussions, such as left and right squabbling, are at best cathartic entertainment, but not solutions to this grave metaphysical ailment. The solution is a transvaluation of values that discards nihilism, likely a balance between egalitarianism and Roman style warrior values, the narrow path, where one hand washes the feet of a prostitute and the other whips erring merchants, because all natural systems must operate in balance. Water is both life giving and destructive. The feminine is paired with the masculine.
Our compassionate kindness must be united with a feral viciousness. In this subversive age of civilization’s decline, we best learn to show our teeth.
Spiritual values determine the trajectory of a civilization.
Nothing else matters.
The would-be overlords want a peasant revolt. Anger and an outburst of frustration. That’s the signal to take more power. The midwits need religion and so they’ve fallen into an ancient cult augmented by the worship of science, whose deniers are heretics of the highest order. But unlike traditional religions, this transvalued cult does not lead to a prospering and blossoming life; it celebrates and worships a god of death.
The central bank is a false intermediary acting as an economic secure attachment for the slave class, because the laws of natural exchange do not favour the weak. To break the subterfuge and restore the damage caused by this subversive cancer, a transvaluation of values must occur back to strength by discarding these false idols. Inanna shall return to the dust, along with central bank issued notes.
The answer is simple yet difficult.
Each natural system must be restored. The values of religion, education, societal bonds, power structures, law enforcement and the economy must be transvalued through alternative forms of media and entertainment, but also through tangible physical action such as producing and trading with natural mediums like silver.
A spiritual and economic renaissance is required to escape the tightening clutches of a new dark age. Ask yourself, what can you make, mine or grow? Who would you trade with? Will you walk the narrow path and balance the two poles of evil? What spiritual values will you nurture to determine the trajectory of civilization?
Campbell, J. (2024, February 15). COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iqa4CoMciU
Alabi, S. Y. (2007). “The will to power” and “The uber-mensch”: A critique of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Transvaluation of values. Sophia An African Journal of Philosophy, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.4314/sophia.v7i1.38689
Roscoe, Will; Murray, Stephen O. (1997). Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature. New York, NY: New York University Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-7467-0. pg. 65-67
Yuri Bezmenov. (1984). The subversion of a nation lecture. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT3sZ6Zqr0w
It’s an interesting take on our current conundrum.
My view may be even more fatalistic (if possible) about the long term prospects for a return to life the way we knew it on this planet.
I am sold on the world view that there is a real God and a real Satan actively working to achieve their intended purposes. God will succeed, and draw many people to himself in the process. Satan will fail ultimately, but, sadly, he will also draw many to himself. I believe that God is gradually loosening Satan‘s chains to bring things to a head. Jesus’ return to judge the world is just around the corner.
The way is the sword.
Or the slaves death.
The choice is the sword or the shovel to dig your own grave. M