
Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.
— Plato
Images shape the way we experience the world.
In the old world, a skilled artist used style and available composition techniques to render their unique perception of reality. Much like how oil and canvas would yield a different result than charcoal or fine inks, inner individual experiences create unique products, and not necessarily a true-to-form reproduction of the physical world. Take for example the transition from early Picasso to late Picasso, where structural realism transformed into unkempt surrealism, which directly illustrates Picasso’s inner change throughout his life.
Visual art directly imposes an experience on its viewer by transcribing imagination through technique. Other art forms achieve a similar effect, like how musical compositions instantly touch the soul of a passive listener and written narratives plant a variety of hidden seeds within a reader’s mind, which blossom into all sorts of invisible species. It’s bizarre to consider that stationary words on paper result in a sensory experience that unveil these hidden inner realities through the rhythm and rhyme of elementary letters and spells in sequence.
An artist’s and author’s internal images are the root of what we consider genuine art.
However as technique progressed, the spirits behind those old world enchanting images were replaced by a different type of spirit — the rhythmic metronome of a machine. The majority of images we encounter today are not the personal untold experiences of an artist, oppressed by the cruelty of the outer world and emboldened through imagination and technique, but rather the cold calculated reflection of how machines perceive the world.
Is it odd to ask if artistic observers, once moved by great pieces of expression and refined technique, are also affected by the mechanical beats that produce modern images? If so, then the reflection impressed on the mind is no longer the timeless channel that links soulful expressions from one era to another, but rather a glimpse into the world dominated by an all seeing machine mind. Strange to think how even these ideas are carried through letters and spells, on both your screens and mine, that are also mechanical representations of the once great art of calligraphy combined with replicated digital images using a calculated colour, tone and shade.
Once exclusive to scientists, engineers and the expert elite, these mechanical tools have recently swallowed art, where truth is restricted to machine level representation.
Is the machine’s version of reality somehow more real?
If my previous question is entertained, just ever so slightly, then people inspired by machine expressions may themselves, too, become a little more like machines, responding to sensory inputs that actuate some deterministic output. This idea resonates with the NPC (non-playable character) and automaton pejoratives, the people we sometimes call sheep, because many human behaviours have become almost entirely mechanical and predictable. Furthermore, popular science tends to entertain our automation as natural, where behaviours are merely the product of subconscious states that can be tuned and trained through stimuli, as if we were nothing more than a sophisticated finite machine in dire need of command. Perhaps we need a reverse Turing Test to see if a human isn't indistinguishable from a machine.
Dismissing everything non-mechanical and non-deterministic as “imaginary” is ironically the missing element from the machine mind, which itself exists by feeding off our imaginations. And because only the machine can determine "what is real" and "what is not real", the all seeing machine mind has become an idolized god worshipped by the corporate mass. Even now there’s an eager push to automate all aspects of individual life using AI, and innovate ourselves to prosperity by replacing men and women with machines. Some fallen minds even wish to merge with machines, and live forever, a plastic horror of flesh bound permanently to metal, glass and crystal.
I can’t image Hell, but I suspect it’d be along those lines.
Hand drawn escapes gradually evolved into full motion pictures, which have now exploded into vast virtual realities through the miracles of machine enterprises. And as the world gradually became uninhabitable for the men and women, who love to live and get on with their daily lies, virtual realms steadily offered more ways to fulfill their deep and often dark desires. Delusional fiction has become an unhealthy coping mechanism for those unable to handle the mundane and brutal aspects of life.
In retrospect it’s no surprise that escapism is big business. I always wondered why athletes, singers and actors made more money than doctors, engineers and blue collar workers — who actually make society run. Turns out it’s not quality craftsmanship that breeds success but rather an ability to gain attention, entertain, sedate and persuade. Interesting how all cultures are cultivated and harvested through these great myths at the behest of this bizarre idol worship.
Myths have an enormous influence on the mind, like an ancient form of magic that nourishes the young. Unfortunately our greatest and most influential stories, the myths that grew civilization, were blindly handed over to a gang of wretched thieves who’ve appropriated our heritage for profit and pillage while traitors to our kind gleefully wiggle from this inverted and heretical progress.
What carnage has been inflicted on humanity as a whole through this progress?
Some myths are taken too matter-of-fact, especially for those who aggrandize themselves as righteous and valiant knights. These people become lost in their own fantasy world and never dare peer into a mirror that could, by chance, expose their beautiful charade. In fact the cartoonish villain inhabiting their stories is usually a dissident who challenges their deeply cherished fantasies; a wicked fellow who must be expunged from the immaculate liberating world of pristine and lofty ideals.
Admitting you’re wrong and asking for forgiveness is an abnormality, a trait not common among even the wisest.
COVID was a pandemic of images, a fever of fictional panics, which manufactured hysteria to cause an all too trusting public to wander off from the real world, falling victim mirages in a digital desert. Ironically there indeed was a serious problem with medical misinformation presented as an authoritative matter-of-fact. Generally speaking, the crowd is always wrong and the burden of proof is incumbent upon the claimant, but those heuristics magically disappeared because “this time is different.” I still grimace remembering all those heroes who smothered us with their capes.
Fortunately we briefly snapped out of hypnosis as eyes opened to that dreadful nightmare. Well, at least long enough to temporarily halt the madness. But we haven’t fully woken up, this is still a dream, sung back to sleep by a lullaby of beautiful images as an army of darkness positions itself firmly on our soil to revive a lost age of unspeakable and hideous horror.
Images have always had a death grip on the mind.
“Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”
― George Carlin
Myths and images are often used to rule and control.
Plato referred to this as The Noble Lie, where a myth influences citizens to act advantageous to the state through carefully crafted narratives.
You have to try, quite hard, not to see governments using their grand theatres to stage acts that push their “noble lies” for “the greater good.” And with perpetual crises government will elicit more control by offering its fantastical solutions, like cure-all pharmaceuticals impossible under old world science but made possible through new world science. However this is just the beginning. More lies will be used for more control, to the point where the lie is so immense that no one could possibly believe that it’s not non-fiction. And there’s a really big lie that barely anyone can see.
One lie that stands above the rest, the root of so much evil.
Although the music stopped awhile ago, no one wants to listen.
This supreme lie has been so normalized that its truth seems too far fetched to believe. What’s the supreme lie? As simple and absurd as it sounds, it’s what we work for everyday — money.
Well, HOW do you think all the crazy nonsense is possible, in a practical sense?
How is it possible for so much corruption to flourish? How is it possible for absurd government programs grow, that never have and never will work? Well, the all seeing machine mind uses magic, specifically our imaginations, to fuel its conquest through the manufacture of false beliefs — the most important one being magic money.
The units we work for everyday, spend, save and invest, are units of debt that borrow value from the future to facilitate progress now, which is the credit system, deriving from cred- meaning belief. If half of every transaction is made with a unit of belief, then it’s not too far fetched that the greatest lies endear the greatest credit, implying our entire daily system of life is literally a transactional network of deceit. And the more we live our daily lies with this system of deceit, the more susceptible we are to the prevailing winds that’ll eventually blow down our houses built from plastic cards.
The deceit is so big, so critical, that barely anyone can bear to look at it.
Any semblance of an honest monetary system permanently died after 2008, replaced by a purely fictitious system that can create currency out of nothing, and reallocate your time and energy into whatever — even totally insanity. This system is the living dead, a way of life and exchange that has infected every mind on the planet, where vice pays a premium and virtue pays a penalty. We now live in a prison under gang rule, who deal us powerful opiates that intoxicate the body, mind and soul.
Central banking is a curse upon humanity.
The Rein of Terror, the horrors of Wiemar and the travesties that followed from the USSR were all accompanied by currency collapses. It’s an old tool of war that breeds a madness that destabilizes human civilization to reorder it. It’s often sold to us as a necessity, “we’d be in the greatest depression if we stayed on the gold standard.”
We haven’t been saved from recessions or depressions.
We saved them all up for one big show.
has written extensively about central banking and the mechanization of the public mind, especially in his piece on Fractional reserve banking requires endless bailouts from the public and in regards to how the all seeing machine mind grooms Humanity as a slave-making ant colony. Of course he isn’t the only one. writes about the ominous Signs of the Times and how the “governing order is to turn men into soulless cogs” from Why do they HATE Christianity? as well as Utilitarianism Is an Antichrist Morality.The sacred aspects of life have been reduced to balance sheet numerics and their functional utility to the all seeing machine mind. Soon, however, the veil will be lifted and the harsh images of the real world will break most minds, forcing them into the safe-haven of the machine god’s cubical matrix.
Disturbingly, gold is trading at an all-time-high and correlating with the rising cost of everyday goods, as well as the plunging purchasing power of incomes, which is an ominous sign reminiscent of early 20th century Europe, but now worldwide. Recently, central banks have pivoted and begun lowering interest rates, again, which will only aggravate inflation like touching a swollen wound. Tragically, most of the public is ripe for harvest and won’t be able to manage the severe inflation waiting for us in the years to come. Just based on COVID alone, far too many will gladly submit to the demons that seeded this monstrosity.
We’re living through the greatest deception in human history, the divine deception, and you best get yourself right with the truth in all aspects of your life.
Reality can be frightening, the meltdown will cause minds to crack, go mad, leading throngs to commit unspeakable acts. God help us when that moment arrives.
What the he'll happened to him between 1896 and 1929 or whatever?......