Reality can be frightening, the meltdown will cause minds to crack, go mad, leading throngs to commit unspeakable acts. God help us when that moment arrives.
I had a dream the other night where symbolically there was a floor in a public building that had always been locked and nobody really knew why. Somehow some service workers innocently gained access and saw something that broke their minds. Upon investigation more and more people got sucked into the thing and lost it until it was just me and a few more people watching the rest of society turn into an insane asylum.
In the dream it wasn’t exactly revealed what they uncovered but there was an understanding the ones who remained already knew it.
A story as old as Medusa! Classic deep dream. FWIW, my dreams are VERY intense, full color, disproportionate and highly entertaining. Funny thing is that I create spectacular landscapes with the most beautiful architecture imaginable. I could go on but what you describe is similar to what I experience. Are you a deep dreamer?
Yes, so lucid that it takes a little while to get back to the "real" world. If I could only show them as movies they would blow away all CGI stuff and the content is like AI on LSD. Also wake up with severe ringing in my ears and vertigo. Crazy stuff and for all my life.
Lucid has a specific meaning, it means a dream where you are aware you are dreaming and can control the narrative. I have had many vivid dreams, never a lucid one.
Ooooohhh. My bad, I guess I just assumed, and you know what that gets you. Well, put it that way, I have occassionally discovered that I can control them, but it's rare and often just before waking. So probably not what you were looking for.
I actually think Picasso was just trying to express what the world felt like after WWI, the discovery of relativity, the rise of production lines, etc.
It sure is, and I know I keep harping on this, but it isn't a coincidence IMO that a certain tribe, cough, cough are known for usury and are the masters of money.
Very well-written, philosophical explanation of the cancer infecting our financial system.
I don't have your gift for esoteric prose, but I tried to lay out the mechanics of this lie in a way anyone can understand. Like Henry Ford so presciently said a century ago, if people understood how our banking system works, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
You might find it interesting, I'd love to hear your critique.
I have a few other posts about the subject. As much as I like the technical aspects of the monetary system, I've been drawn to its philosophical side because the nuts and bolts don't seem to explain how currency functions as societal mind control. There's something else going on, and what's even more strange is not many seem to be aware of it.
So so great! I admittedly bought into this false worship of the material world. I’m just waking up to that fact and it’s overwhelming and disheartening to accept. The road forward seems very bleak but my growing acceptance and belief in God(and his gift of love)is supporting any hope I have left. Godspeed everyone. I’m thankful for my fellow humans that have or are waking up too. We are in this together. 🙏❤️
volunteerism with helping all that was created (not just a tiny portion of one group of humans). Be good to our neighbor and ourselves is simply an extension of love all that is created. Love all that is created, including trees, insects, water, and air - that which can not talk to use directly.
Energy should be free. Volunteer to help others. Offer as much as we can offer for free. Help those others whom help for free, by assisting their efforts. Grow our own food.
Of course (here is where most will disagree) don't kill others, that do not consent to be killed. That includes animals. Fully informed consent. Our eventual goal is to grow and eat foods that are designed to be eaten - and thus do not suffer when picked from the vine. Yes, even plants can communicate and and respond to pain. Ideal, and far off, yet still the antithesis of the worship of money.
Do not have heroes. Do not believe anyone is better than oneself. Do not worship other men, even Jesus. Use his life as a guide, but do not worship a created being that has a beginning and an end. Heroes whom we worship can then tell us what to do, and even what to believe, even our cherished beliefs.
Be willing to discard cherished beliefs yet keep following the rule of helping all other created beings. Believe the Creator is amazing, and anyone whom tells stories otherwise is a slanderer. One does not have to believe in the formal church presented Creator. By believing that the Creator is amazing, we can then start to see the electric - magnetic - static world around us, and we see that our world is amazing.
Also it is disturbing how the LLM has the ability to make images that produce deep human emotions like unease. I use LLMs in my papercut art but it is always feels a little like conjuring sorcery.
Yeah I like using it because it's creepy and feels, off.
Technology in general has sucked the life out of art. Games are a good example. Sure, modern games have a realist aesthetic but it was the artistic interpretations and focus on game-play / story that made older titles shine. Now everything is a remake using hyper realistic graphics, and god knows what kind of AI bullshit behind the scenes, and it just doesn't feel the same.
A tree exists even if you don’t notice its existence. You can only bend you mind to accept realities that contradict with your existence, and by that you are in control of the reality that surrounds you. Don’t fool yourselfs take things as they are and if you have doubts remove the veil of your preprogramming.
When a police officer says to me, "You are under arrest." He changes my reality. When I say, "That person was once a man but is now a woman." Reality remains unchanged.
Reality can be frightening, the meltdown will cause minds to crack, go mad, leading throngs to commit unspeakable acts. God help us when that moment arrives.
Yeah, it's gonna be ugly. Cities will probably be the worst.
I had a dream the other night where symbolically there was a floor in a public building that had always been locked and nobody really knew why. Somehow some service workers innocently gained access and saw something that broke their minds. Upon investigation more and more people got sucked into the thing and lost it until it was just me and a few more people watching the rest of society turn into an insane asylum.
In the dream it wasn’t exactly revealed what they uncovered but there was an understanding the ones who remained already knew it.
Fantastic deep archetypes, would make a great short story, or even a novel. I'd read it.
A story as old as Medusa! Classic deep dream. FWIW, my dreams are VERY intense, full color, disproportionate and highly entertaining. Funny thing is that I create spectacular landscapes with the most beautiful architecture imaginable. I could go on but what you describe is similar to what I experience. Are you a deep dreamer?
By "deep dream" do you mean lucid dream? If not could you expand on that a little?
Yes, so lucid that it takes a little while to get back to the "real" world. If I could only show them as movies they would blow away all CGI stuff and the content is like AI on LSD. Also wake up with severe ringing in my ears and vertigo. Crazy stuff and for all my life.
Lucid has a specific meaning, it means a dream where you are aware you are dreaming and can control the narrative. I have had many vivid dreams, never a lucid one.
Ooooohhh. My bad, I guess I just assumed, and you know what that gets you. Well, put it that way, I have occassionally discovered that I can control them, but it's rare and often just before waking. So probably not what you were looking for.
What the he'll happened to him between 1896 and 1929 or whatever?......
I know right. Something inside definitely changed.
I actually think Picasso was just trying to express what the world felt like after WWI, the discovery of relativity, the rise of production lines, etc.
Great post, and thanks for the mention! Our money really is an illusion created with the blackest of magic.
It sure is, and I know I keep harping on this, but it isn't a coincidence IMO that a certain tribe, cough, cough are known for usury and are the masters of money.
You may be right, yet I sense the ones pulling the strings come from one *faith* and it isn’t Abrahamic, or anything else. Seems more like Nimrodism.
Zionists, at the end of the day, may just become the ultimate scapegoats.
Very well-written, philosophical explanation of the cancer infecting our financial system.
I don't have your gift for esoteric prose, but I tried to lay out the mechanics of this lie in a way anyone can understand. Like Henry Ford so presciently said a century ago, if people understood how our banking system works, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
You might find it interesting, I'd love to hear your critique.
Interesting post, thanks for the share.
I have a few other posts about the subject. As much as I like the technical aspects of the monetary system, I've been drawn to its philosophical side because the nuts and bolts don't seem to explain how currency functions as societal mind control. There's something else going on, and what's even more strange is not many seem to be aware of it.
Good post though. Keep up the good writing :)
For there are also many disobedient, vain talkers, and seducers: especially they who are of the circumcision:
Who must be reproved, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
One of them a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies. —Titus 1:11
So so great! I admittedly bought into this false worship of the material world. I’m just waking up to that fact and it’s overwhelming and disheartening to accept. The road forward seems very bleak but my growing acceptance and belief in God(and his gift of love)is supporting any hope I have left. Godspeed everyone. I’m thankful for my fellow humans that have or are waking up too. We are in this together. 🙏❤️
Really well written and eye opening article! That Picasso transformation is quite a thing to behold.
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
I know, you can really see something just switched.
Money is a cog, usury and debt however are the oil and grease of the capital machine.
💯💙 Excellent essay!!
volunteerism with helping all that was created (not just a tiny portion of one group of humans). Be good to our neighbor and ourselves is simply an extension of love all that is created. Love all that is created, including trees, insects, water, and air - that which can not talk to use directly.
Energy should be free. Volunteer to help others. Offer as much as we can offer for free. Help those others whom help for free, by assisting their efforts. Grow our own food.
Of course (here is where most will disagree) don't kill others, that do not consent to be killed. That includes animals. Fully informed consent. Our eventual goal is to grow and eat foods that are designed to be eaten - and thus do not suffer when picked from the vine. Yes, even plants can communicate and and respond to pain. Ideal, and far off, yet still the antithesis of the worship of money.
Do not have heroes. Do not believe anyone is better than oneself. Do not worship other men, even Jesus. Use his life as a guide, but do not worship a created being that has a beginning and an end. Heroes whom we worship can then tell us what to do, and even what to believe, even our cherished beliefs.
Be willing to discard cherished beliefs yet keep following the rule of helping all other created beings. Believe the Creator is amazing, and anyone whom tells stories otherwise is a slanderer. One does not have to believe in the formal church presented Creator. By believing that the Creator is amazing, we can then start to see the electric - magnetic - static world around us, and we see that our world is amazing.
Fantastic clear writing on the current zeitgest.
Also it is disturbing how the LLM has the ability to make images that produce deep human emotions like unease. I use LLMs in my papercut art but it is always feels a little like conjuring sorcery.
Yeah I like using it because it's creepy and feels, off.
Technology in general has sucked the life out of art. Games are a good example. Sure, modern games have a realist aesthetic but it was the artistic interpretations and focus on game-play / story that made older titles shine. Now everything is a remake using hyper realistic graphics, and god knows what kind of AI bullshit behind the scenes, and it just doesn't feel the same.
A tree exists even if you don’t notice its existence. You can only bend you mind to accept realities that contradict with your existence, and by that you are in control of the reality that surrounds you. Don’t fool yourselfs take things as they are and if you have doubts remove the veil of your preprogramming.
When a police officer says to me, "You are under arrest." He changes my reality. When I say, "That person was once a man but is now a woman." Reality remains unchanged.
Learn about the concept of government deception in my podcast here:
Interesting song. Thanks for the share.