The oldest religion in the world and the quest to dominate the human mind
Wizards install new software into your mind by enchanting it with the hollywood. Daemons act as unconscious service level programs that take energy in exchange for tasks. Slave programs are installed, which are lower order variants of master programs.
Sounds bizarre right?
Ask yourself in light of the past few years, “is the mind programmable?”
Like most things in life, I think the answer is a paradox. Yes and No.
Yes a certain range of the mind is programmable, but not all of it. To be fully programmable, the non-programmable aspect would need to fall back into the unconscious. Do you think most have lost their moral conscious?
Let’s quickly discuss the concept of programmability.
A program is a sequence of instructions or command issued to a device. The instructions are encoded in a language that is compiled into a command sequence specific for the device. An operating system loads the instruction set from memory and starts a process to execute each command.
A mealy machine is a finite-state machine [— an abstract model of computation —] whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current inputs. — Wikipedia
Using the mealy machine as a model, computer execution is simplified to a set of inputs, initial conditions and state transition functions that produce a set of outputs. A language that encodes instruction requires input variables, state variables and transition functions that alters state to construct output variables.
Is it possible to do the same for the human mind?
Assume the human mind is an emotional state machine that reacts to a set of inputs to produce a set of outputs as behaviour. State transition functions can be encoded through belief systems that implement conditional logic through cognitive dissonance. This is the basis of the point model I described in a previous article.
What are the characteristics of this emotional state machine?
This brings us to the oldest religion in the world — Satanism.
“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” — Matthew 7:16-20
In the above presentation, Mark Passio — who claims to be a former Satanic Priest — reveals the general tenets of the Satanic religion, which hides itself through numerous organizations and religions. Mark describes the objective of Satanism is to subjugate the masses by hiding knowledge of the human psyche and laws of nature, and by giving them a lower order mindset of the Satanic ideology.
He describes the Satanic mindset as follows:
He uses the word de facto to describe the lower order Satanic mindset, where thoughts and actions are functionally equivalent to the Satanic ideology even if the individual does not directly associate themselves with the religion.
Due to correspondence — as described in my previous article — individuals with higher order Satanic mindsets are able to control the ignorant masses through pyramid structures like those found in corporations and government.
Most people don’t understand right and wrong behaviour. It’s become part of our society, where Social Darwinism is accepted through corporate and government hierarchical structure — the most vicious and predatory move to the top.
Most only think about themselves, and not other people or people on aggregate. How many are in a, “Me! Me! Me!” mindset? They don’t think about human freedom and how tyrannical government and corporate structures are destroying it. If they’re comfortable in the immediate sense, then they don’t care about the suffering and subjugation of others. The visage of compassion is nothing but virtue signalling.
Satanism is care for the self only.
Immediate gratification is the goal. How many believe the purpose of human life is to accumulate as much sensate pleasure and comfort as possible before death? This puts them in a state of conditioned response — making easy prey for a ruling class.
The masses do not have the ability to delay gratification.
They see themselves as God and only consider their behaviour immoral if caught and punished by other human beings. Human beings are seen as the highest power in creation and should do whatever necessary to get ahead in life, even if it means stepping over others or worse. All means justify the ends provided no consequence in the physical world is received.
The ruling class want to degrade humans to create slaves by destroying spirituality and the human spirit. Their false belief is that man is, “just another animal.”
Humans can reason. Animals cannot.
Because of this false belief, it’s acceptable to mentally, economically, financially and physically control others. These are direct and indirect claims on the human body. Consuming the fruit from the tree of knowledge means becoming the arbiter of right and wrong. Taking right and wrong into ourselves as opposed to recognizing inherit characteristics in nature is what turns us into programmable abominations.
Because of moral relativism, the Satanic mindset doesn’t see the contradiction in states and countries enacting different laws and regulations. Most don’t recognize the moral illegitimacy and legal fiction of man’s law or black law.
Under Satanism, the elite class have the right to decide who lives, procreates and dies.
Their objective is to create a belief in authority and a master-slave hierarchy.
The elite wish to become gods of a prison society.
Getting Out
We already have the tools we need. To understand the enemy we need to understand ourselves via the lower order mindset. Through dedication and sacrifice we have to re-learn to respect ourselves, others and the world we live in.
This happens through:
Courage to make sacrifices for freedom.
Become comfortable in discomfort.
Activate the will to care enough to take action.
Improve ourselves and inspire others.
We have to do what is right, because it is right.
Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told.
Obedience is doing what you’re told regardless of what’s right.
Speak out when something is wrong. Don’t accept what’s easy instead of what’s right. Discard thoughts of, “what’s in it for me?” or, “what about me?” First principles and moral correctness should be the foundation of all our behaviour.
We have to tell others they’re bad people for thinking selfish immoral thoughts.
Good programming in → Good result out. Garbage programming in → Garbage result out. The ego mind is emotionally programmable and beliefs are its programs.
Everyone has the right to decide what goes into one’s body, and we don’t have the right to initiate harm against another.
Experimental psychology provides a blueprint for the ego’s emotional state transition maps. However, modern psychology focuses exclusively on the ego and its basic interaction with the subconscious mind and physical body.
This is useful to know, but incomplete.
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by dialectical materialism present in academia and institutions, nor allow our free will to succumb to the dark temptations of the ego. The ego must be transformed back into a mental organ and not as our dominate system of mental operation.
Become selfless and moral. See yourself as the world and not the world as yourself.
The world’s oldest religion is the “I” at the top of a pyramid.
Satanism is the out of control ego wanting to be God.