Great post. I got into this a little bit in the podcast I recently did with Anhaf and Kenaz, both on the food and on the lifestyle. I continue to be dumbfounded by people's resistance to do basic sacrifice to live the life they say they want to. To raise children with the values they want. To eat the food they want. Those things are so basic, but they are super hard and take sacrifice.

And, no one knows this, but the hardest thing is making food reproduce itself. Whether it's plants or animals, keeping good stock or seeds and not inbreeding or doing quality control is something INCREDIBLY difficult. I still don't have it down. And city people think they can just jump right in. They're wrong.

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Yeah that's like a decade long task. Getting simple crops to do that like potatoes, tomatoes and squash is easy enough, but brassicas are insanely hard to get right. We want to have our own flock of Jersey Giants, but that'll take several generations of practice before we learn all the tricks, which again might take a decade.

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You really are helped if you have a neighbor to do some of it with on animals. Then you can swap males at crucial points and not have to worry about it as much. The plants are harder - take fruit trees, where some have a, b, and c types which want to be spaced at certain distances for cross pollination. If you didn't know it, and just made a big purchase, you waste a ton of money and time you can't get back.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

have you met yourself?

are you willing to step forward, outside yourself and turn back?

what do you see?

can you assess your attitude?

can you move forward with care, discovery and benevolence?

with love?

do you understand what is enough?

and seriously contemplate...peace

what do you see?

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May 27Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Terrence tam the tranny in Chief at the health-kill agency is gonna whip out his little hypodermic prick and tell the shitizens to bite the pillow again. No spit, no lube, sand paper finish. I guess time will tell how many pathetic cowards will take it again rather than knock the faggots teeth out..

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Assuming it's capable of becoming fully erect that is, otherwise it's the tam cold spaghetti treatment.

I have no idea what's going to happen now. Back in 2020 I had models and predictions about what could happen and what people would do but I severely underestimated everyday people. Apparently logic's useless when everyone's insane, although there's less reaction to these stupid headlines now, which is good but I still have no clue what's going to happen.

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I’m 🦇 Batman

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Then you must act like Batman.


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Gimme my millions or at least that R&D department..

F the money

I want the toys


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Sorry, that was too tempting

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Exceptional perspective. Convincing the gamers that this golden rule thing is more productive than kill or be killed is going to be challenging. Talking about Gen why & zed. What a coincidence those two are at the end of the English alphabet? I'm not bundling them together as if they all do the same things because not every tweener or mid-20's kid is addicted to online life. But I'll bet a nickel the single parent one's are far more succeptsble to kill or be killed.

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Funny you mention that because I'd like to spend time in the near future designing indie games with these kinds of messages as plot / game play revelations; it's probably the best way to reach a wider audience anyway.

The kill or be killed mentality does have its place here and there throughout life, the challenge is learning when it's appropriate, but without a proper family structure the newer generations are more susceptible to highly influential forces seeking young fresh prey.

I still think it'd be fun to make a game though.

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May 27Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Ha, the game would probably be banned for lack of adult content and violence. The reviews would be like, "the game is too nice and it lacks the fight or flight dopamine requirements to qualify as a game"...😉

Happy Memorial Day

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People of a certain mindset vie with similar others for the power to compel submission for whatever goals they may have, usually to take their liberty and property from them. Thus has millenia of world history demonstrated time and again. The animal kingdom exists within the material existence of the human being. Only a glimpse of the divine ideal -- absolute and unopposed truth -- raises him out of the mire. Many great philosophies of Life have enabled men to perceive it, but it is very difficult and that is why the Artist (yes, with a capital "A") is such a rare being. Most are hacks who have never seen it.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Growing food is great. Protecting it when the SHTF is better. Either be mum on your production or be ready to defend it.

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I want to buy a reloader and practice making my own rounds. That's on my list too, but that's more of a private matter.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Yes, awesome! There are also some guys out there on YT who make homemade slingshots and other fun stuff, no powder needed and quite effective!

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

great article

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

The gmo seeds and not being able to plant anew with them is so wrong. There is so much that goes into it. Blisters and exhaustion and that's after managing your time for jobs to get everything started slowly but surely before your garden and meat are really continously feeding you. Monsanto isn't on the farmers side.

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Yeah it's a very long cycle. The fact our culture moved away from it is concerning because it takes so long to get going, not to mention the extreme amount of work and sacrifice. Farmers really do have it rough.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Toughest work but most fulfilling because you are only going to get out of it what you put in. It's hard and blood,sweat and tears and worthwhile. When I realize everything my grandpa went through during the depression and the war and what he was able to do for his wife and family is something I'm in awe of. How he did it with my grandmother's help. That last part, the teamwork is critical.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

"I’ll take my chances in the desert moons of Saturn than be surrounded by hoards of shadow people hiding behind plastic masks, injected with a false sense of safety and superiority."-- I love how you said this and know the feeling. I also like what you said here.

" the behaviour in the world begins first and foremost by correcting the behaviour within ourselves. So when the fallen gods seeking to control this material world play their next piece, what are you going to do?"

Make plans and work towards it so that, and this is just me, become part of the solution and not the problem. You are so right as within so without.

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One step at a time and to have the right mindset is what matters most. Material progress comes after, and I understand not all of it may come within my lifetime so it's important for me to pass that attitude onward.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Same here and something of substance to pass down to my son.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson

Or at least stop participating in what is wrong and immoral.

That would be huge!!

Not that I'm perfect, by no means!! Not even close!

I can say though that I help when I can, I take my own inventory ( what did I really do and why ) and I try to improve my character defects. Every day.

Our problems these days all seem to stem from "ego" and that is one tough SOB to deal with.

People are not even aware of the insanity anymore.. it's easier to look at something else, eat another twinky or buy another purse than taking an honest look at their own words/ actions and take responsibility.

And that is why we have so much depression, mental illness and social problems...

Moral corruption all the while pretending how perfect we all are!! LOL

What I see when I look in the mirror is a fallible human being who tries to live by spiritual principals and a moral code.

I do not have to look away, eat another twinky, buy another purse, take another pill or drink some booze to make myself feel better.

Thank you!!

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I've had some people say to me "well the world hasn't ended yet." Well, if you compare every 5 - 10 years with its prior for the past 40 years, what was world ending before has already happened except it's been normalized.

They really just don't see it.

I think being honest with yourself is the first step, otherwise you get stuck in a sleepwalking trance. I personally could live without the immortal yellow cakes, purses and pills, which I'd gladly exchange to get rid of mass insanity and have a little bit of honesty.

Oh well, just gotta keep puttin' 'em 'taters in the ground.

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May 26Liked by Theodore Atkinson


"The world hasn't ended yet" ... were his last words... hahahaha

The world will not be destroyed by evil but by those who watch them.

-Albert Einstein

The inertia worstened during covid...

Some of them taters seem to sprout though!!!


I will never stop!

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